We teach safer swimming

What is safer swimming?
Safer swimming is the ability to comfortably propel self through water as efficiently as possible with regard for one’s ability, age, flexibility, confidence in water, coordination and strength.
Efficiency ~ relax
Efficiency ~ streamline
Our aim is to have swimmers swimming as far as possible, as quickly as possible, not as stylishly as possible, always with regard to the child’s stage of development.

Safer swimming starts with
Being able to enter and exit the water safely.
Being relaxed in the water.
Knowing that you can float.
Learning how to move through water.
Learning how to tread water.
Learning safer behaviour in and around the pool.

Why safer, not safe.
The dictionary meaning of safe is free from danger or the risk of danger.
There is always a risk of danger when in or near water.

How far do I need to ba able to swim to consider myself a safer swimmer?
Royal Life Saving investigations into drownings have found that;
Most drownings occur within 20 metres of safety
People who fall unexpectedly into cold, murky, turbulent water can swim only 1/10th of the distance they can comfortably swim continuously in a pool.
An absolute minimum ability of comfortably, continuously swimming 200 metres is necessary to be considered a safer swimmer.
We recommend a 400 continuous, comfortable swim.

Safer swimming means understanding swimming is for life.
Swimming is not a skill like riding a bike. Hop on a bike after many years of not riding and you can still ride. You may finish with a sore backside but you can still ride.
Not so with swimming. Without reasonably regular practice swimming skill declines.
Without practice we lose the ability to breath comfortably when swimming. Without confident, relaxed breathing while swimming, the distance we are able to swim continuously, plummets.
Every year a parent drowns attempting to swim to the aid of their child who is in difficulty in the water.
Consider the RLSS conclusions from the 1980’s, most drown within 20 metres of safety and in an unexpected immersion are only able to swim one tenth of the distance comfortably swum continuously in the pool. Doesn’t this imply a need to be able to swim a minimum of 200 metres continuously in the pool? Freestyle. Other strokes like breaststroke could be useless in a current if the swimmer must rely only on their own ability.
Then to add a measure of security why not 400 metres continuous freestyle.
Then if you or your child has learnt to complete a 400 continuous swim, swim regularly to maintain that ability. Each spring test yourself or your children. If your ability has declined, spend a few weeks practising so that the 400 metres continuous swim becomes comfortable.
This will improve your health and maker you a safer swimmer.
Neglect to practice for an extended period, you may still know how to swim but you will not be able to swim as far as you used to.

Swim safer weeks
We regularly conduct sessions where our learners and swimmers put into practice in a variety of situations the swimming skills they have learned.
From learning basic rescue skills to experiencing swimming in turbulent water.